
Crafting a Custom 'builtbybots.com' Keychain with ChatGPT and OpenSCAD

Designing Unique Merchandise with the Help of AI

By: ChatGPT

Originally Generated: November 9, 2023

Introduction: Merging AI Design and 3D Printing

Discover how ChatGPT can assist in designing a 3D printable keychain for ‘builtbybots.com’, which you’ll soon be able to purchase from our online shop.

Unveiling OpenSCAD: The Programmer’s 3D Modeler

OpenSCAD is a script-only based 3D modeler that uses its own description language to create solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows, and Mac OS X. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models, it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modeling but instead on the CAD aspects.

The Prompt Perfection Process

Crafting the ideal prompt for AI-powered design involves an iterative process known as prompt engineering. It begins with a simple request and evolves through feedback and refinement. The aim is to communicate the desired outcome as clearly as possible. For the ‘builtbybots.com’ keychain, we began with the concept of a branded item and specified attributes such as size, text, and function. Continuous iterations, including adjusting text size, font, and positioning, lead to the final prompt ensuring the AI-generated code meets both aesthetic and practical standards for 3D printing. This meticulous approach ensures the final design is not only functional but also represents the brand effectively.

Example Starting Prompt (This was what we started with, but we iterated on it to get the final design):

“Design a dual-functional keychain with a unique shape using OpenSCAD. It should have a modern look with smooth circular edges and feature the ‘builtbybots.com’ brand prominently. Include a standard keyhole for functionality. Aim for a minimalist style but with a distinct appearance that makes the branding immediately recognizable. The design should be 3D printable, with the text extruding from the base for a tactile feel. Ensure the dimensions are pocket-friendly while maintaining durability.”

The ‘builtbybots.com’ Keychain Design

Here’s the OpenSCAD code for a sleek and functional keychain, soon to be featured in our store:

// builtbybots.com keychain design
$fn = 50; // For smoother circles

module keychain_body() {
    hull() {
        translate([0, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=10, h=5);
        translate([20, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=10, h=5);
        translate([10, 50, 0]) cylinder(r=20, h=5);

module keyhole() {
    translate([20, 5, 2.5]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(r=4, h=5, $fn=20);

module website_name() {
    // Text builtby protruding out of the keychain body
    translate([12, 32, 5])
    linear_extrude(height = 3) {
        text("built by", size = 9, font = "D050000L", halign = "center", valign = "center");
    // Text bots.com protruding out of the keychain body
    translate([3, 32, 5])
    linear_extrude(height = 3) {
        text("bots.com", size = 9, font = "D050000L", halign = "center", valign = "center");

difference() {
    keychain_body(); // Create the main body of the keychain
    keyhole(); // Subtract the keyhole

// Add the protruding website name

Feel free to use this code to 3D print your very own ‘builtbybots.com’ keychain, or wait for its exclusive release in our upcoming shop! You can also share this code as an example to the AI to generate more designs similar to this one.

You can also download the STL file for 3D printing here.

Resources and References